Dr. LI, Jian

Dr. LI, Jian

PostDoctoral Fellow
School of Cyber Science and Technology,
University of Science and Technology of China, China



Jian Li received his B.S. degree from the Department of Electronics and Information Engineering, Anhui University, in 2015, and received Ph.D degree from the Department of Electronic Engineering and Information Science (EEIS), University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), in 2020. From Nov. 2019 to Nov. 2020, he was a visiting scholar with the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, University of Florida. He is currently a Post-Doctoral fellow with the Department of EEIS, USTC. His research interests include wireless communications, satellite networks and next-generation Internet.

  • Future Internet Architecture Design
  • Quantum Networking
  • PhD, 2015 - 2020

    University of Science and Technology of China

  • BSc, 2010 - 2015

    University of Science and Technology of China