Dr. CHEN, Shuohong

Dr. CHEN, Shuohong

Associate Professor
School of Computer Science and Cyber Engineering,
Guangzhou University, Guangdong, China



Dr. Shuhong Chen is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at Guangzhou University, China. She was a visiting scholar at the University of Florida, USA (Advisor: Yuguang “Michael” Fang ) from Oct. 2018 to Oct.2019. She received her B.Sc. in Computer Science in 1998 from National University of Defense Technology, China, and received her M. Sc. degree (Supervisor: Prof. Min Wu ) and Ph.D. degree(Supervisor: Prof. Weijia Jia and Prof. Guojun Wang ) in 2004 and 2014, respectively, in Computer Science from Central South University, China. Her research interests include Trust Evaluation, Social Computing, Privacy Preserving, Complex Networks and Artificial Intelligence.

Dr. Shuhong Chen has published over 40 papers in international journals and conferences. His research is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province, and the Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province, etc. She has served as General Chair for UbiSafe from 2017 through 2020, Organizing Chair for SETE 2021, SpaCCS 2017, IEEE ISPA 2017, and IUCC 2017. Publicity Chair for UbiSec 2021 and SpaCCS 2016,Workshop Chair for UIC 2019 and CSE 2020. She has served as a reviewer for over 20 international journal/conference proceedings. She is the recipient of many awards including “Excellent Teacher” award, “Natural Sciences Award for Outstanding Academic Papers”, “The Top Ten Teachers” award ,“Excellent Headteacher ” award, “Excellent Teaching Quality” award etc.

  • Trust Evaluation
  • Social Computing
  • Privacy Preserving
  • Complex Networks
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • PhD in Computer Science, 2009 - 2014

    Central South University

  • MSc in Computer Science, 2001 - 2004

    Central South University

  • BSc in Computer Science, 1994 - 1998

    National University of Defense Technology